Saludos Industrialheads, he aqui la emision 51, saludos a todos aquellos que cada semana nos escuchan en Mexico y el mundo, saludos en especial a Alexis "El Heroe Negro", Pili Rodriguez, Javier Hematemesis, The Leper, Ni Temps ni espai y Rony Santana quienes nos han dejado sus comentarios, los cuales agradecemos, recuerden que ya está proximo nuestro primer aniversario, no se lo vayan a perder.
Greetings Industrialheads, here is the issue 51, salutes to all those who every week listen us in Mexico and the world, especially to Alexis "The black hero", Pili Rodriguez, Javier Hematemesis, The Leper, Ni temps ni espai and Rony Santana who have left their comments, which we appreciate it, remember that next is already our first anniversary, don't lose it.
Greetings Industrialheads, here is the issue 51, salutes to all those who every week listen us in Mexico and the world, especially to Alexis "The black hero", Pili Rodriguez, Javier Hematemesis, The Leper, Ni temps ni espai and Rony Santana who have left their comments, which we appreciate it, remember that next is already our first anniversary, don't lose it.
Emision: 51 (Electroshock V.2.1)
Fecha: 3 de julio de 2010
Emision: 51 (Electroshock V.2.1)
Fecha: 3 de julio de 2010
Primera Parte
01 Kriminal Minds: I can't see you / Resistance against / 2010
02 Atari Teenage Riot: Activate / Activate / 2010
03 Bodycall: My War / Reiteration EP / 2010
04 Vomito Negro: Blood Sweat and Tears / Skull and bones / 2010
05 Leaether Strip: Suicide Bombers / After the devastation / 2006 (Bonus track)
Segunda Parte
06 Nachtmahr: Maedchen in uniform (Faderhead mix)/ Maedchen in Uniform / 2010
07 Eisbrecher: Eiszeit / Eiszeit / 2010
08 Misery Loves Co: This is no dream / Misery Loves Co. / 1999
09 Be My Enemy: Eyes set to kill / Shoot by both sides / 2010
10 Cubanate: Chicago Skyline / Search Engine / 2001 (Bonus track)
Importante: Si la carga del programa es muy lenta desde la pagina o no anda, puedes escucharlo desde tu reproductor de audio favorito en tu PC desde la siguiente ubicacion en Stream con el archivo m3u siguiente:01 Kriminal Minds: I can't see you / Resistance against / 2010
02 Atari Teenage Riot: Activate / Activate / 2010
03 Bodycall: My War / Reiteration EP / 2010
04 Vomito Negro: Blood Sweat and Tears / Skull and bones / 2010
05 Leaether Strip: Suicide Bombers / After the devastation / 2006 (Bonus track)
Segunda Parte
06 Nachtmahr: Maedchen in uniform (Faderhead mix)/ Maedchen in Uniform / 2010
07 Eisbrecher: Eiszeit / Eiszeit / 2010
08 Misery Loves Co: This is no dream / Misery Loves Co. / 1999
09 Be My Enemy: Eyes set to kill / Shoot by both sides / 2010
10 Cubanate: Chicago Skyline / Search Engine / 2001 (Bonus track)
Si te gusto el programa puedes descargarlo desde las siguientes ubicaciones:
(If you like the show you can download it from the following places:)
1 comentario:
Uorale,ponchadote el programa JL,por cierto,los Kriminal Minds la rifan en vivo XD
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