sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

    Velvet Acid Christ - The Art Of Breaking Apart (Reseña/Review)

    Artist: Velvet Acid Christ
    Country: USA

    The Art Of Breaking Apart
    Electro, Darkwave
    Label: Metropolis Records

    Official site: www.velvetacidchrist.com/

    8 /10

    Luego de 3 años de letargo el señor Bryan Ericson mejor conocido como Velvet Acid Christ por fin nos levanta el castigo y se anima a editar un nuevo disco, el noveno de su carrera para ser mas exacto y al que ha titulado sugerentemente “The Art Of Breaking Apart” (El arte de la separacion), ya desde el disco anterior “Lust for blood” del 2006 Velvet Acid Christ ya nos venia demostrando su intencion de regresar a los gloriosos dias de “Calling Uv the dead” y “Fun With knives” e incluso Bryan ya habia declarado en algunas entrevistas que incluiria algunas guitarras en el disco, pero jamas especificó de que manera, asi que lo que nadie se esperaba era que en “The art of breaking apart” se lanzara nuevamente a la experimentación y es asi como en “Vaporized” podemos escuchar ese Hard Electro inconfundible con la introducción de unas muy bien ejecutadas guitarras flamencas que en momentos podrian recordarnos a Juno Reactor, luego de esto viene un momento de mucha quietud con la bellisima “Black Rainbows” donde también hace uso de una guitarra acústica y voces totalmente limpias sin ninguna distorsión, un tema por el que muchas bandas de darkwave matarian por tener en sus discos, otra de las sorpresas del disco es “Phucked up freak” que retoma la siniestra y densa oscuridad de “Hex Angel” y que viene a ser la segunda parte de la ya legendaria “Phucking Freak” del disco “Calling uv the dead”, “Killing a stranger” y “The art of breaking apart” por su parte continuan navegando en los terrenos darkwave y esta serie de tracks es rota magistralmente por “Caustic disco” nuevamente en la linea de “Fun With knives” y remata con otras tres piezas electro-acusticas sumamente oscuras “Amnesia”, “Faithless” y “Silver” de la cual sigue como track escondido una entrevista con Bryan Erickson donde nos explica que fue lo que lo llevo a crear un disco tan personal como este. La verdad es que generalmente ningun disco de Velvet Acid Christ decepciona y les puedo asegurar que este no es la excepcion, sin embargo si lo que estan buscando es un disco que de principio a fin los mantenga bailando o si su fuerte son bandas como Grendel y Hocico, deberian buscar por otro lado, pero si eres un amante de bandas Darkwave como Project Pitchfork, London After Midnight y obviamente Velvet Acid Christ y ademas tienes una mente abierta se convertira rapidamnte en uno de tus discos favoritos.

    After 3 years of lethargy Mr. Bryan Ericson best known as Velvet Acid Christ finally edit a new album, the ninth one of his career to be more exact and it has titled "The Art Of Breaking Apart " either from the previous disc " Lust for blood " of 2006 Velvet Acid Christ either we had been demonstrated his intention of returning to the glorious days of "Calling Uv the dead " and "Fun With knives" and even Bryan had already declared in some interviews that it would include some guitars on the disc, but it never specified in which way, nobody was waited it but in " The art of breaking apart " was throwing himself again to the experimentation and in " Vaporized " we can listen to this unmistakable Hard Electro with the introduction of a few very well executed Flemish guitars that in moments might remind us to Juno Reactor, after this it comes a moment of great quietude with the beautifully "Black Rainbows" where also there makes use of an acoustic guitar and completely clean voices without any distortion, a song for which many bands of darkwave would kill for having on his discs, other one of the surprises of the disc is " Phucked up freak " that recaptures the sinister and dense darkness of "Hex Angel" and that comes to be the second part of already legendary "Phucking Freak" of the album " Calling uv the dead ", " Killing to stranger " and " The art of breaking apart " on his part keeps on sailing in the darkwave line and this series of tracks is broken by " Caustic disco" again in the line of " Fun With knives " and it finishes off with another three extremely dark electro-acoustic pieces " Amnesia ", " Faithless " and " Silver " of which it continues a hidden track which includes an interview with Bryan Erickson where he tells to us that it was what led it to creating a disc a so personal album like this. Actually and generally no one disc of Velvet Acid Christ disappoints and I can make sure to you that this is not the exception, nevertheless if you're looking for a disc to dance with it from beginning to end or if you're looking fro bands as Grendel and Hocico, you should look on in other disc, but if you are a lover of bands Darkwave as Project Pitchfork, London After Midnight and obviously Velvet Acid Christ and also you have an open mind it will turn quickly into one of your favorite albums.

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